Tuesday, November 23, 2010

33 "Thank Yous"

Sometimes No. 1 is not the best place to be. A child's second Christmas is always more memorable than the first. Turning 10 years old is so much more thrilling than turning 9 just because of an extra digit. Each anniversary of marriage or other commitment signifies another year of choosing to be together through thick and thin.

This year is my 33rd Thanksgiving. While I can guarantee that I was blissfully unaware of the meaning for at least the first few years, the significance of the holiday has grown immensely with each passing year. Just as there are milestones in human development there are milestones in understanding.

The year I understood that not everyone gets to eat Thanksgiving dinner.

The year I knew a family that didn't get to eat it.

The year I first tried to change that by donating money and canned goods to a charity.

The year I realized that canned goods and money once a year isn't enough.

I imagine that even if I live to be a very old woman with many Thanksgivings under my belt, I will never understand why some of us have overflowing baskets of food, shelter and love while others struggle to get by. As one person I can't move a mountain to make it better for everyone. That task is going to take many of us.

Starting this year though I can begin to support the mind and heart of another person who hopefully will choose to join in on that journey. For me, year 33 is when I begin explaining to the Little One why we come together to celebrate all that we have. He is the biggest thing I have to be grateful for this year- the most wonderful gift. It is the least I can do to say, "Thank you."


  1. That little boy will love reading these someday ...I am thankful your wish came true! Pam O

  2. gratitude is a path to happiness.....
