Wednesday, December 1, 2010


At about 6:15 p.m. last night, I looked at the Wife and said, "Do you want to watch a movie tonight?"

We both laughed. Yes, actually she did want to watch a movie. And by that, we both knew "watch a movie" meant "fall asleep on the couch within 10 minutes of a movie starting."

The Little One was extra tired last night, and had already dozed off early in the evening. He woke up enough to play for a half-hour, eat and sit through one book before he was down and out for the night by 8:15 p.m.

Technically, we could watch a movie and still get to bed for the night. Of course, neither of us has a clue the last time we both saw a movie at the same time. Not that the movie mattered.

Really, we just wanted to sit and relax.

So we did. For about 10 minutes. Then we woke up and it was midnight.

Sure, our tired, worn out bodies were really stiff, and the smart thing to do would have been go straight to bed. But I'm glad we didn't. Every once in a while it just feels good to crash on the couch.

Crashing on the couch can feel so right.


  1. am i the only one wondering how you guys got your infant to take a picture of your couch crashing? :o)

  2. He is super smart! ;-)

    Actually, Kate's mom took it when she was in town just after the Little One was born. I would have gone with a newer one, but you'd be surprised how hard it it to take a picture of yourself sleeping.
