Wednesday, December 8, 2010


On the second day of Christmas our little family…bought a Christmas tree.

We have a tree. We have lights. We have no ornaments yet, but we have a very happy baby. Life is good.

Let me back up a little to explain what I mean. Near the top of our list of things we wanted to do to celebrate the holidays this year was having Christmas tree. Last year we nixed the idea because it was mid-December before we got around to thinking about it and we were traveling for the holidays and wouldn't be around much to enjoy it. This year it was a must though.

It all started this past weekend with a trip to a local nursery and an encounter with two very nice and very, very cold men selling Christmas trees. They laughed at us for bringing both a video and still image camera out in the dark, windy night to capture the moment. The more we talked to them though, the more they reminisced about their own kid's first Christmases.

When we got home the Little One hung out in his chair and smirked as he watched his mom and dad struggle to get the tree in the stand straight. Just when we got things rolling though it was time for bed.

Day two was our big light adventure. We managed to string the lights on our tree without cursing or struggling much. Then it was time for the big reveal. When The Husband flipped the switch to turn on the tree lights, the look on the Little One's face…well…let's just say it was a look we will never forget. That look alone was all the joys of Christmas wrapped up in a single moment. It was bliss. And then, once again, it was time for bed.

Our goal for last night was to finally pull out our ornaments and start decorating the tree. In the end we settled on some baby snuggling on the couch while we sat and looked at the lights. Very simple. Very perfect. A very Merry Christmas to us.


  1. that is beautiful. Z and I put up the tree while Caroline was sleeping (we have an artificial) and the look on her face when she came downstairs from nap was priceless! She was only 2 months old last year so this is her year to really enjoy :) Zachary is my little Christmas elf so he decked the halls with me, constantly hums carols and is always telling me how beautiful and cozy our house is. That is what warms my heart :) Kids make this season so magical!

  2. SHane I remember Christophers first christmas the morning Mom and I brought our 8 month old baby down to see all the gifts it was a priceless sight we were able to capture it on camera and have 17 years of Christmas Memmories and each one is just as special as the first so enjoy them and remember they grow up way to fast. Happy Holdays Shane and Kate and to the newest Donaldson PJ.
