Thursday, December 23, 2010


On the 10th day of Christmas, the Little One and I discussed whether or not he would be singing Christmas carols at day care.

Actually, we discussed a wide range of topics, but the portion about Christmas carols is what we managed to capture on camera for your viewing (and listening) pleasure below.

You see, every weekday morning, I get to take the Little One out of his crib as he wakes up. Most days, it takes him a few minutes of stretching and or resting on my shoulder before he really starts to wake up.

Lately, he really starts to come to life when I lay him down on the changing table. Whether it's getting a fresh diaper or a wipe down with a face cloth dampened with warm water, he becomes a bundle of energy with a lot on his mind.

Those 15 or 20 minutes during which we change his diaper and get him situated in his first outfit and bib of the day are fast becoming my favorite part of each day. Maybe because he is starting to make all kinds of new sounds. My favorite, without question, is, "Da da da da da da daaaaa."

Now, I am fully aware that this is just a sound he is learning, and he is not actually calling me out by name yet. Still, I'd be lying if I said it didn't get me fired up to think that he is pretty close to saying this new name that I acquired just a few months ago.

Yeah, I definitely like that sound. Really, any of the babbling that he does cracks me up. Our conversations get me going just as much as they do for him. We talk about his plans for the day. Usually we do a little bit of horseplay that involves tickling his neck and chin. Don't tell him I told you, but he is pretty ticklish under the right side of his neck, and I can get him laughing a little just about every day.

Before I know it, he'll be using actual words, and that will excite me, too. If it doesn't happen right away, that's fine by me. 

Until then, I'll wake up each morning looking forward to his morning babble.

As a special feature today, we present to you a weekday digital short titled Talking About Christmas Carols, an actual conversation from this week captured on camera from the Little One's crib. Thank you to the Wife for discretely sneaking into the room and setting the camera up without the Little One noticing, since he usually clams up when we try to record his babbling.



  1. You know - I did that too. Talked about what was going on and listening to the babble. Awesome.

  2. The more you respond to him saying dada the quicker he will associate it with you. If mommy does not respond to that sound he will know its not for her :) Smart cookies these babies are!! Love the blog :)

  3. OK, I just listened to this five times -- starting at 1:06, I would SWEAR he's saying, "I love you, Daddy." I mean, listen to it!

  4. That is one little man who will not be needing Speech and language services!! Absolutely beautiful.

  5. I remember doing the same thing with my girls and also with Ted....And you know how much Kerri can talk!!!! :))

  6. @Kerri, I heard the same thing! Then I scrolled down and saw your comment ...

  7. Z and Lil C both came running to check out this movie when they heard the little one speaking :) Too cute, Z is begging to watch it again. I just sent you an "email" to your blog email address....not sure if you check that one. Let me know if you don't and I will send it on FB.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. My grandbaby is part Babylonian!
