Thursday, December 30, 2010


Time flies when you are having fun. That is an understatement around these parts. Every day we look down at the Little One and wonder where the last four months went. I find myself making declarations that start with, "I can't wait until he…" but then I think about how much I miss the stages that have already passed and decide that I'm okay with him staying small forever.

It hasn't been all fun and games, but life with a baby sure is sweet! I'm trying very hard to count the days in memories and not in time. So, on that note, the following is a list of things we've learned along the way from our little guy.

1. Babies smell good even when they use frangrace-free lotions and soaps

2. No matter how many times he smiles it never gets old.

3. Television is overrated. We don't miss it.

4. The second a baby starts to figure out cause and effect there is a glint in his eye that says, "Game On!"

5. Pouts have the mysterious power of being both heartbreaking and adorable.

6. Bathtime is the best, as long as the water stays in the tub.

7. No diaper can stand up to the incredible strength of the Little One's blow-outs.

8. We can (and do) sing off key with zero complaints from the audience.

9. Nothing compares to a belly laugh.

10. Even with some bumps and bruises early on, 2010 was a great year!