Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Shopping hungry and without
a list is not part of The Plan.
Bad things happen when you stray from The Plan. Sometimes, in these situations, a preemptive admission of guilt is the best way to go.
Which is why I called the Wife after leaving Stop and Shop Friday evening. Rather than get a series of “What did you do?” looks as I emptied the shopping bags, I figured it was best to call her and say flat out, “I just had an awful trip to the grocery store.”
Why was it so bad? I broke just about every rule we have when it comes to food shopping. I went into the store hungry. I went into the store with no list. I went into the store with no plan other than, “I’ll just pick up a few things for the next several days.”
Technically, I did that. I got stuff for the next several days. And by stuff, I mean an incredible horseload of junk food. Of all the stuff I purchased, the only things that really count as food were two frozen pizzas, two half gallons of milk and two types of lemonade.
The rest was an amazing concoction of crap. Three different kinds of cookies, including a bucket of oatmeal raison cookies. I don’t even really like oatmeal raison. I do like the double-stuffed E.L. Fudge cookies, so I don’t really feel bad about those.
However, two large bags of Twizzlers – one regular and one of the tangy-filled variety? Probably unnecessary. Six of the single-serving size of the Friendly’s Ice Cream to go cups? Definitely unnecessary, even if they were 10 for $10. The bag of natural, sour cream and cheddar flavored chips? I’m sure I convinced myself that they were a healthy alternative to regular chips.
And the bakery fresh chocolate swiss rolls? When I saw those on the conveyer belt at the cash register, that’s when I realized how poor a shopping performance I had delivered.
We have worked very hard for an extended period to be smart about how we spend or money. We’ve worked even harder to make better eating decisions.
I fell off the wagon on Friday. It wasn’t a great feeling.
As the Wife looked at my collection of crap on the counter, she asked a simple, but pointed question.
“You start working out again this week, right?”
 After such a poor shopping performance, I guess I do need to make that part of The Plan.


  1. It happens to the best of us. Just you wait until the wee one is old enough to tag a long and make special requests. You'll be amazed at how similar your shopping experience will be to this one. Except with a lot of sugar cereals and lunchables.

  2. Went back to the gym yesterday morning myself; then ate half a box of OH's watching first half of the Patriot game. IS THAT WHAT "WIN ONE, LOSE ONE" MEANS?

  3. Oh boy, I had one of those shopping trips recently too. Just wait until the little one goes with you and begs for every little thing on the shelf ;) That is another rule, make sure you pack snacks for the kids when you go grocery shopping!
