Tuesday, January 25, 2011


"Take as many pictures as you can."

It's probably the most common piece of advice we have received since the Little One was born. 

My co-worker's husband - who stopped by the office with their daughter yesterday - was the latest to offer up this pearl. As the parent of a little girl who is now one year and five months, he talked about how fast the time goes. The pictures, he said, help you maintain a timeline of the many significant milestones a child reaches in these early years.

I see what he means. The last time I saw he and his daughter was a couple months ago. She was a little munchkin with short tufts of hair, a couple of front teeth. She wasn't yet walking or talking. She was still a baby.

The little girl I saw yesterday was, well, a little girl.  couldn't believe it. She had a full head of blonde hair, and all of her teeth. She was walking and talking. Not a full vocabulary, mind you, but talking.

On the drive home, I found myself wondering if we are taking enough pictures of the Little One. The 700-plus photos saved in iPhoto would suggest that we probably have that angle covered. The Little One is 159 days old, so an average of 4.5 pictures per day is probably getting the job done.

Still, I really wanted to grab the camera and take more when I got home, but the Little One and the Wife had stooped at the grocery store and were not home. When they got home, he was in a real fussy mood, probably because his first tooth is close to breaking through (another milestone!).

Since he wasn't in the mood for pictures, I had to settle for looking at ones we already have. Not that I'm complaining. I'll admit it… I look at pictures of our son every stinkin' day. It doesn't get old for me.

With that in mind, here are some of my favorites that we have taken thus far:




  1. These photos are absolutely adorable. I asked Z to pick his favorite and he votes for the one where he is smiling on the couch :) I think I agree, although they are all so darn cute!

  2. Of course you need a picture of every milestone-and then some more. Grandma probably has a lot to look at too.

  3. I think Z picked a winner. I love that one too. My personal favorite is the bath one (we have a bigger version framed on our wall). That was the first bath during which he didn't cry, so his face is a mix of cautious trust, trepidation and the slightest hint of, "Hey wait, I like this... I think."

  4. Also, what you can't quite see is that he is squeezing my pinky finger, and I'm a sucker for that.

  5. When am I going to see you guys? When can we offer an exchange of child meeting? I like reading your posts because it is so nice to relive so many of the thoughts I had only a few months ago. Hope all is well.
