Thursday, January 20, 2011


Spinach. Ugh!

That is what I think in my head when I eat it. Well, that is not entirely true. I don't mind little bits mixed into things. I will put it on a sandwich instead of lettuce. I'll eat it in a salad topped with a sweet dressing. I love it mixed with ricotta cheese and stuffed into pasta shells. Just don't offer me a plate of cooked spinach.

Until now, I've only had to answer to myself when it comes to my reasons for avoiding some vegetables. That will all change in the next few weeks. No, my mother is not coming for a visit. We are vegetable conscious these days because little eyes are watching. The Little One is a week away from tasting his first vegetables and The Husband and I are trying our best to buck up and set a good example.

Enter the spinach. I'm doing my best with the green stuff, but it is a challenge. I can hide it in some things but, in the end, I gag if I get too big of a bite.

So this winter I set out to sneak it into meals. One of our favorites is hiding it in scrambled eggs. Gross, right? No. Difficult, right? Not at all.

It all starts with fresh, bagged spinach. In a large skillet I saute minced garlic in olive oil until it is paper thin. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl I combine four eggs and a teaspoon of milk. This concoction is added to the pan and cooks over medium heat until fluffy.

The Husband, a spinach lover, gives my spinach scrabbled eggs two thumbs up. The Little One has yet to try it. He has a bunch of cereal and other fruits and veggies to try before he digs in. For now he just sits in his highchair and smiles as I struggle to eat it. He might be amusing me, but 'll take it.

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