Friday, January 7, 2011


The Little One was sick last night and nothing is right in the world. At least that is how it seems to the Husband and I. 

So far the parenthood ride has been mostly smooth. The few bumps we've faced didn't cause any damage. Tonight though, with the Little One snuggled into his dad's arms and a pout on his face, we are feeling every bump.

That was exactly the kind of tough night I was having years ago when I made my first "favorites" list. I don't remember who gave me the idea, but this list of favorite things has brought more than one smile back to my face. When I am down, I read through my list and remember that life goes on. In honor of the Little One and his miserable cold, I listed a selection of my favorite things. These are truly something small today that are making a big difference on a difficult night.

- snowman "body parts" that are still around long after the rest of the snow in a yard has melted.
- how the Christmas tree needles will freshen the air every time we vacuum throughout the winter or until we change the bag.
- freeze pops are sold all year… just in case someone craves one in January.
- the feel of a cool pillow.
- the feel of a warm hug.
- eating cereal for dinner on busy weekday nights.
- naps on the couch… honestly, any spot will do.
- tea with honey.
- putting on soft, fuzzy socks after a hard day at work.
- hearing the Little One talk to his monkey mobile.

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