Monday, January 3, 2011


No, we didn't forget about sharing what we did on the 12th day of Christmas. It's actually been on my mind quite a bit lately because I knew that we never posted anything about it. Technically we aren't late though. The twelve days actually don't start until December 25th, making January 5th day number 12. (I'm am no wiz about English folk songs or the history of any kind of music. I learned this from Wikipedia, which, let's face it, is how many of us get answers to those random questions that pop up and no one in our office at work knows the answer to.)

This holiday season was full of special moments. The 12th day of Christmas was, by far, our favorite day of the bunch. We started that day like every other day, but, instead of heading off to work and daycare, we hit the road for some serious holiday visiting. Maybe it was the fact that the sun was shining, or that all of our holiday prep was done, leaving us time to relax and enjoy ourselves, but there was something wonderful in the air that day. The Little One napped in the car as we criss-crossed the state to reach family and friends. Nothing extra special or fancy happened at these destinations. We just laughed, talked and smiled together-simple things that meant the most. The Little One didn't know the faces he saw or what the visits meant to all of us, but I hope he does someday. And I hope it makes him smile.


  1. Can you guess why your mother never served it to you when you were young? Now grandma wants to set a good example, too.
