Thursday, February 10, 2011


The Little One advertising
for his uncle.
Hooray! Hooray! We only used two bibs today!

For a while I doubted we would ever get to this milestone. There were days at the height of the Little One's reflux that we went through several bibs every hour. Back then I learned the art of planning his outfits based on what would match the first clean bib I could find. So munch of the Little One's cutest clothing was disguised by bibs during these last few months. 

When that Powerball comes through for us I just might start a designer bib line so that perpetually spitty babies like my own can look as charming and fashionable as possible with spit-up on their chin.

Just for fun I Googled "funny baby bibs." Apparently I'm not the only one who has thought of capitalizing on the free ad space that hangs around babies' necks. My favorites are shown below. Notice that they reference certain bodily functions. As of today the Little One doesn't own any such bibs, but it's only a matter of time. What else should I expect for a baby whose father has more than one t-shirt with what my grandmother used to call "bathroom humor" printed on it.


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