Friday, February 25, 2011


On a daily basis I make a conscious effort to not worry myself into a tizzy about the things in life that don't or MIGHT not go smoothly. Over the years the Husband has helped me realize that when I'm faced with bad things I can't control, the one thing I have a say in is how much I let myself worry. He's helped me become much more of an optimist then I ever imagined for myself.

Lately, I've found a new worry to battle. I this case though, I think a little worry is a good thing and a lot of action on our part is a HUGE thing. I'm talking about oil. In my mind it is quickly becoming enemy #1.

I have to fill my gas tank today and I'm not looking forward to seeing the price tag that comes with that chore. I've avoided listening to the news reports estimating the price of gasoline by summer, but I've heard enough to know that it is much higher than the already bank-breaking prices we are paying now.

While I hate having to pay the extra money, I will for now because I need that gas to get to my job. I'm dependent on it.

What I'd like to do is come up with ways to be more efficient with the gas I use and develop a strategy for filling up less often. Do you have any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Today I am going to ask my boss if I can work from home one or two days per week. My reasons will not be gas, but the fact I work better independantly & he will get more hours per week out of me. We will see. He PAYS for a system that allows us web access to the servers - we might as well USE it.
