Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The Little Flirt.

My 5-month-old son is smoother with the ladies than I ever was.

The kid is a restaurant flirt, as we found out last night. We went to dinner with Grandpa and Auntie Megan at a local eatery, and the Little One was working the room as we all ate.

Thing is, we didn't notice it at first. While we were chatting and chowing, he was looking over the Wife's shoulder at the two women in the booth across from us. He established eye contact with them, and then flashed his big, open-mouth, gummy smile at them.

That's all it took.

They were cooing and fussing over him the rest of the way. Waving, smiling and talking to him as their own meals got colder. The Little One ate it up.

When we got up to leave a little while later, the women went on and on about how well behaved he was. What they didn't know is that the last time the Wife and I tried to go out for a meal, he cried so hard and loud the whole time that we had to take turns walking him outside while the other person ate their food alone.

"Well, he was perfect tonight, wasn't he?" they said. 
Yes, I guess he was.

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